Friday, April 04, 2008

TO WRITE: A Turn for the Better
I'll keep things short and simple and sweet today. . . I'm nervously listening for the phone to ring with a call from the adoption agency saying they've got our first photos of our daughter-to-be! At that point my husband and I will dash to San Francisco to get them. Today (hopefully, hopefully) will be one of the best days of our lives!

Which brings me to today's topic -- an optimistic one that my Stanford group wrote on this week. They wrote very briefly, but their responses were so powerful that I assigned them to write more on this as homework.

Play with this. . .
Here's the prompt: Life took a turn for the better when. . .

Quick! Write down the first thing that comes into your head. Write on it for just three minutes.

Then, write continuously and powerfully for 20 more minutes on this life-changing thing or person or event. And enjoy! (I think my life might just "take a turn for the better" today -- and you can bet I'll write on it!)

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