Monday, November 20, 2006

TO WRITE: Tell me what helps!
A recent comment left on this blog -- a request for help, really -- got me thinking about how easy it can become to focus on what makes our depression and other symptoms worse, not what makes us feel better. One of the many uses of support groups for those living with mental illness is that through sharing with others, we can often identify healing techniques, be they large or small. Writing can also trigger us to pinpoint what works for us, both as we put our finger on these approaches ourselves, and as we share them with others.

Play with this...
Imagine a person who has just been diagnosed with your illness coming to you for advice on how to ease the pain. What would you suggest? I'd include both broad approaches -- educating oneself through the links listed in this blog, seeing a highly-recommended physician -- and small, specific tricks -- holding my cat, coffee with a trusted friend, writing down my feelings of confusion. Writing continuously for 20 minutes, describe what you'd say to this new acquaintance who needs your help. And let me know what you come up with!

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